The Edmond Public Schools' Chromebooks have special security settings that require special setup to access OC's wireless network. Follow the steps below to connect an EPS Chromebook to the OC Network.
Find Device Mac Address
- If you haven't yet, sign in to your Chromebook.
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Select the Wi-Fi network .
- At the top of the box, select Information (circle icon with an i in it).
- You'll see your Chromebook's IP address and IPv6 address.Your MAC address is labeled "Wi-Fi." The Mac address is a 12-digit number separated by Colons.
- Record the Mac address to enter on the registration screen.
Shut Down Chromebook
At the bottom right, select the time. Select Sign out > Shutdown.
Register Device

- Navigate to
- Enter your OC username and password
- Select Log In.
Select Create Device
Enter Device Information
- Choose a name for your device.
- Enter the Wireless MAC address of your device that you recorded above.
- Click Create Device.
Wait 5 full minutes before powering your Chromebook back on.
Power On and Connect to OCguest
After 5 minutes have passed, power your Chromebook back on.
Once the device starts, select the WiFI network called OCguest.
Contact Support Central
- View Location
- View Hours
- Phone: 405-425-5555
- Email:
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