Respondus 4.0 is a test authoring tool that allows you to create, and modify test questions, import tests from Blackboard, and create tests from their network of Publisher test banks. This software is a Windows only product. If you are using a Mac, please contact the North Institute for support service options.
Download Respondus 4.0
On your Windows device, go to the File Explorer.
- In File Explorer, select This PC (left hand menu)
- Then the Computer tab at the top.
Map Network Drive
- Select Map network drive
- Select Map network drive, again
Browse for software
- Browse for \\\dist\respondus\respondus4
- Select Finish
Install Respondus
Double Click Respondus4Campus and follow the prompts.
Enter License Information
After installation and upon first launch of Respondus, a Campus-wide License window will open.
Go to \\\dist\respondus and open the Installation_Information file. Enter the following information EXACTLY as it appears in the document.
- Enter the Institution Name
- Enter the Local Support Contacts
- Enter the Installation Password
- Click License
LMS Personality
Respondus will open and ask for your LMS Personality. Choose Blackboard and click OK.
You have successfully installed Respondus4 software and are now able to create Blackboard tests, import Blackboard test questions and pools, and create tests using publisher tests.
To find out more about using Respondus4, sign up for a training webinar. For a list of publisher partners, go to Respondus Partnerships Test Bank Network.
If you are using a Mac and would like to have a test generated for you, please submit a request to with exam and course details.
How to Connect to the Blackboard Server- Retrieve Questions
To Retrieve questions from a Blackboard exam, you will need to connect to the Blackboard server.
1. To connect to the server, select Add a server, and select Next.
2. Type in Bb server, select next
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