Getting code from Google Doc
1. Navigate to the location of your google document.
2. Open the google document you wish to embed
3. Select share
4. Choose your preferred restrictions.
4. Click Done

Please Note, setting it as restricted will not allow anyone to view it once you have embedded it. You want to choose between 'Anyone with Link' & 'Oklahoma Christian University'.
5. Select 'File' and Navigate to 'Publish to the web'

6. Choose 'Embed' and select 'Publish'
7. Copy the embed code

Embedding into Blackboard
1. Navigate to Blackboard
2. Navigate to the Course and Content Area of your choice.
3. Select 'Build Content' and choose 'Item'

4. Name the item
5. Select the '<>' symbol
6. Paste the embed code into the 'Source Code' box and select 'Save'.
7. Click 'Submit'
You have now successfully embedded your google document into blackboard.
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