This answer shows how to create a new HTML Page in dotCMS. Please note that some options may change when right clicking on pages that have been edited.
This program is only available for certain users due to licensing agreements. If you do not have access and believe you should have access to this program, please contact Support Central.
Choose Desired Folder

Click on the folder where you would like the new HTML page to live.
Add New Page

- Click the down arrow next to Add New
- Click Page
Page Asset

- Leave the page type as Page Asset
- Click Select
Basic Properties

- Title - Enter the desired title. DO NOT use acronyms. NOTE: This text will be displayed as the page's title.
- Host or Folder - Make sure this has the folder the new page will be in.
- Page URL - It will be automatically filled in after the title field has been filled. If change is needed, use lowercase, keep it short, and unique to each page in a folder. NOTE: Change it to index.html to make the page into an index page.
- Template - Click to choose the desired template.
Advanced Properties

- Click Advanced Properties in the top left corner.
- Show on Menu - Check if desired. It will show the page's title on the navigation menu.
- Menu Sort Order - If Show on Menu is checked, enter a numeric value to sort the order of the pages showing on the menu. NOTE: 0 is the first page.
- Friendly Name - Enter the official full department name and the title/description of the page. Separate information using space-hyphen-space (e.g. Department of Biology - About Us).
- SEO Description - Enter a brief description of the page. NOTE: Use full sentences.
- SEO Keywords - Enter keywords separated by commas, which would be used to search for the page.
- Page Metadata - Leave it blank.

Click Save to save the page and publish later or click Save / Publish to save and publish now.
You have successfully added a new HTML page.
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