- Check Printing Account Balance
- Install Printers App - Download on Mac
- Install Printers Drivers - Windows (Students and Adjuncts)
- OC Printer Drivers - Install on Mac
- OC Printer Drivers for Employees - Install on Windows 10/11
- OC Printer Drivers for Employees - Install on Windows 7
- One & Two Sided Printing
- Overview for Printing at OC
- Printer Driver Default Settings - Change on Mac
- Printer Driver Default Settings - Change on Windows 7
- Printer Drivers - Uninstall on Mac
- Printing Supplies
- Release Print Jobs - Apple Device
- Release Print Jobs - Canon Copier
- Release Print Jobs - HP Printer
- Release/Delete Print Jobs - uniFLOW
- Scan & Send a Document at a Copier
- Send a File to Your Print Queue
- Share Printers with Virtual Machine
- Student Printer Locations
- StudentPrinters.oc.edu - Introduction
- StudentPrinters.oc.edu - Web Print
- Troubleshoot a Printing Problem
These answers show you how to setup, access, and use OC's printing system.